Glimpse of Kashmir

Jammu & Kashmir located at the northern-most region of India is one of the most fascinating states of the nation, offering 3 regions; all are different in geographical and cultural context. Jammu was under the rule of Hindu Dogra kings and now the place is abundant with lots of temples and forests famous for their pristine beauty. Srinagar which is a capital city of Kashmir offers fascinating range of tourists’ attractions is also a delightful holiday spot as there are lots of lakes, forests and other scenic attractions to enjoy.

At the northern side of the state is situated Ladakh with a bleak geographical land of mountains. The city holds one of the favorite places for Tibetan Buddhism. The city is beautified by hilltop monasteries surrounded with beautiful natural backgrounds. Jammu & Kashmir also known as the jeweled crown of India finds the description of Kashmir in the book Raj Taringini by Kalhana. The book highlights the chronological description of Kashmir Kings and the beauty of Kashmir is praised immensely. Truly the beauty of Kashmir is second to none on this earth.

General Information

Capital : Jammu (winter); Srinagar (summer)

Largest City : Srinagar

Area Rank (In India) : 6th

Total Area : Approx 222,236 sq kilometers (85,806 sq miles)

Languages : Hindi, Urdu, Kashmiri, Dogri.

Climate : The climate of Jammu and Kashmir varies greatly owing to its rugged topography. In the south around Jammu, the climate is typically monsoonal. In the hot season, Jammu city is very hot and can reach up to 40 degrees whilst in July and August, very heavy though erratic rainfall occurs. September, rainfall declines, and by October conditions are hot but extremely dry, with minimal rainfall and temperatures of around 29 degrees. Across from the main Himalaya Range, even the southwest cloud bands break up and the climate of Ladakh and Zanskar is extremely dry and cold. In Zanskar, the average January temperature is -20 degrees with extremes as low as -40 degrees. All the rivers freeze over and locals cross river during this period because their high levels from glacier melt in summer inhibits crossing.